Alpha Archaeology are experienced in providing a range of archaeology services.
Indigenous Archaeology:
Our archaeologists are experienced working on all aspects of Indigenous archaeological sites, and are registered as Heritage Advisors with First Peoples-State Relations. We offer the following services to assist with your project:-
- Due Diligence Assessments
- Experts in Aboriginal consultation
- Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMP)
- Desktop Assessments
- Archaeological survey (standard assessments)
- Archaeological subsurface testing (complex assessments)
- Surface recording and collection
- Archaeological salvage excavation and monitoring
- Analysis and recording of Aboriginal artefacts
- Identification, assessment, interpretation and management of Aboriginal heritage objects and places
- Cultural heritage inductions and training
- Peer review
- Stakeholder and community liaison
Historical Archaeology Services:
Alpha archaeologists have a broad skill set that includes all aspects of working with historical archaeological sites, often working concurrently on sites with both Aboriginal and Historical legislative requirements. Contact us to assist you with any of the following services we offer:-
- Background research and desktop assessments
- Identification and recording of Historical sites
- Registration of Historical sites with Heritage Victoria (HV)
- Obtaining HV Consents
- Survey and excavation of Historical sites
- Salvage excavations
- Cataloguing, analysis and reporting of historical objects/artefacts
- Statements of significance for heritage places
- Stakeholder and community liaison
- Location, excavation and analysis of human remains
- Heritage inductions and training
Contact us today to discuss your archaeology project requirements.