Established in 2004, Alpha Archaeology is a cultural heritage consultancy that offers service throughout Australia. Successfully completing hundreds of projects in Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia.
Expertly versed in cultural heritage interpretation and assessment, we can provide you with cultural heritage advice for any project. We work closely with Aboriginal stakeholders and have experience liaising between all stakeholders involved in a development project. We have an excellent track record obtaining approved Cultural Heritage Management Plans and Permit Applications on behalf of our clients, and liaise with the government agencies to ensure a successful outcome each and every time.
In the field we use Trimble GPS equipment for accuracy in site and data recording. All spatial data can be post-processed to sub-metre accuracy when required. We also offer GIS spatial analysis and mapping using ArcView software. ArcView is capable of exporting in most formats to ensure compatibility with our client’s systems.
We have up to date OH&S and quality management systems in place, developed to ISO 9001:2008/AS 4801:2001 standards.
To ensure our client’s peace of mind, Alpha holds current insurance policies for Professional Indemnity ($5 million), Public Liability (Business Insurance) for $20 million, and Work Cover for all our employees and sub-contractors.
If you have a development project that requires cultural heritage advice, contact Alpha Archaeology today.